Mah Jongg Solitaire is an abandoned turn-based puzzle game designed by Nels Anderson, developed by Arcanum Computing and released by Arcanum Computing in 1987. Mah Jongg Solitaire runs on DOS.
Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.
DOS games can't run on Windows. You need a DOS emulator like DOSbox or D-Fend Reloaded. Follow these instructions to play DOS games on Windows 10 or later systems.
I love this mah jongg game. I've played it for years and still enjoy playing it today.
Nanceen 08/08/2018 20:04
Its a good game. You can backtrack, there is some strategy involved and it kind of distracts you when you can't sleep but you don't want a game that is completely riveting. You know what I am talking about. You swear at 12:30 am one more round or exploration and then off to bed. A few cups of coffee in the morning and you can get through work okay. Next thing you know, you look up and it is 3:40 am and you have to be at work at 9. No coffee is gonna cure that.
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