Abandonware DOS title

Music from videogames

Video game enthusiasts like me, who have been around for a long time, often share not just a passion for the games themselves but also for their soundtracks. From the brilliant Commodore 64 music of Rob Hubbard or Martin Galway to the MIDI tracks of Sierra games, and the chiptunes of old console games, video game music has come a long way. Yet, as with everything retro, it is now experiencing a nostalgic revival.

I have therefore decided to compile some of the most popular and beloved soundtracks from PC games (both DOS and Windows) on Abandonware DOS. For now, the collection is small, but it will grow over time.

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The complete playlist

Here is a complete playlist of all the tracks available for listening on Abandonware DOS. Click on a game's title to access the page with detailed information, music, screenshots, and downloads.
Brain train theme, Hephpoor, Hephtower, Paco Gannie, Sunderamb, Whitendon
01 - Introduction, Part I, 02 - Introduction, Part II
Bad Guitar, Balanced, Beginnings, Blood-Stained Santa, Bonus Track, Duty, Endings, I Died Last Night, Like Killing Hitler, Opening Titles, Sanctuary, Septimus, The Dealer, The Deliverer, The Dreamweb, Travelling
Arrakeen Palace, Carthag Sietch, Chani's Eyes, Ergsun Sietch, Introduction, Map Of Arrakis, Opening, Ornithopter, Water Of Life
Boss Fight, Into the Wonderful (Intro - Credits), Main Menu, Shop, The City (Level 1), The Labyrinth (Level 3), The Temple (Level 2), The Underworld (Level 4)
Kuldahar Valley Theme
Captured By The Dragon, Crystalgard, Hetchel And The Elders, Main Theme, The Blacksmiths, The Cathedral, The Final Showdown, The Overture, The Sheperds
Main theme
Kilrathi Theme, Stones