Abandonware DOS title

Sid Meier's SimGolf

Sid Meier's SimGolf is a golf simulation video game developed by Firaxis Games and published by Electronic Arts under the design direction of Sid Meier. It was released in 2002 for Microsoft Windows.
In Sid Meier's SimGolf, players take on the role of a golf course designer and manager. The game combines elements of city-building and simulation with the sport of golf. Players start with a basic plot of land and must design, build, and manage their own golf course. They can customize everything from the layout of the holes to the landscaping and amenities of the course.
DOS classic awardWindows classic award
Sid Meier's SimGolf screenshot
sim-golf-05.jpg - Windows XP/98/95
sim-golf-01.jpg - Windows XP/98/95
sim-golf-02.jpg - Windows XP/98/95
sim-golf-03.jpg - Windows XP/98/95
sim-golf-04.jpg - Windows XP/98/95
sim-golf-07.jpg - Windows XP/98/95
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Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.

For Windows 10 users: go to the installation directory, right click on "golf.exe", click on "properties", go to the "compatibility" tab and enable the compatibility mode for Windows XP.

Games developed for old Windows versions may not run on recent systems. You may need a Virtual Machine to run this game properly.

Sid Meier's SimGolf review

Computer Gaming World (2002): "There’s no doubt in my mind that both golf and strategy fans will eat this game up. The presentation is second to none, the gameplay is addictive without being overbearing, and Sid Meier’s signature “I can’t-wait-to-see-what-happens-next” magic is here in full force. I hope the golf theme won’t turn anyone off, as they’ll be missing an amazing gaming experience."

More information on Sid Meier's SimGolf

Status: abandonware
Abandonware DOS views: 162468
Awards won by Sid Meier's SimGolf:


  • Bojack HorseGolf 18/08/2024 21:32
    This is so amazing! I tossed the official disk in the garbage a year ago due to compatibility issues and assumed I just wouldn't be able to experience it ever again. I think I first played it around the 4th or 5th grade, when games still came in boxes from Circuit City and MediaPlay! In fact my mom was so cool that she let me stay home from school the day after I got it because she noticed how much I was enjoying the game. I'm 33 now and still love the general optimism and feel-good vibe of SimGolf. It seems to be somewhat inspired by Caddy Shack.
  • Leo 01/06/2023 02:50
    Shourouts to Dolf, placing monitor 1 UNDER monitor 2 on the display arrangement settings completely solved my issues. Also I'd recommend changing the scaling settings on your graphics card settings, so you can keep the game in 4:3 on fullscreen
  • Love it..BUT!!! 30/03/2023 19:00
    Follow instructions and game works great. PC is running on windows 11. Everything works amazing, up until I get the the Senior SGA Championship for around 800,000 and then the game crashed when I try to play it. cant seem to find a work around for it, otherwise, amazing. been playing non stop
  • Jack 20/12/2022 20:05
    Tons of trouble shooting on a mac, but I got the game to launch via Virtual Box Windows XP-using version 32 bit. It's playing but it's moving extremely slow, and the bottom of the screen is cut off which makes the game currently unplayable. Any fixes for speed and display troubles?
  • ben 02/12/2021 15:46
    O M G
    Installed following Neddos instructions... cant believe Im playing this classic after all this time
    Thank You!
  • GameLover 20/10/2020 18:08
    Thank you so much! I bought the CD many years ago but lost the CD cover with the key codes. Thank you again! Love this golf game during Covid time.
  • James 24/09/2020 16:42
    Tried on Parallels for Mac with Windows 10. Just extract the contents, then go to the golf.exe and change the compatibility settings to Windows XP and voilá. The screen size is a bit small, but is 100 playable!
  • Werner 23/09/2020 13:24
    Thanks Johnny L, worked for me. I went the the application folder where its installed and just went to properties. Set compatibility to XP. Great!
  • David 06/08/2020 19:18
    I love this game, thanks for all the tips especially Neddo! Works perfectly for me!
  • Abdreas 13/07/2020 20:44
    Guys just get a Windows 98 CD and create a VM using VMware Player or Virtual Box. Both are free
  • Ryan 15/06/2020 06:38
    So close - almost worse than completely failing :)

    I followed the instructions and the game appears to launch. I get a black screen, then a logo appears that seems to have CLS letters with the word Class (R) below it. I can hear the SimGolf music playing, but it never advances past this logo screen.

    Anyone else experienced this? Am trying to run it on a Mac using Crossover with a Windows 10 environment (have tried with Windows XP SP2 and Windows 98 as well, no joy.
  • Dolf 17/04/2020 05:56
    Found a Fix for Full screen, If you have a dual monitor setup just place the monitors over the other instead of side by side. BINGO!
  • Cameron Stone 25/03/2020 23:33
    I can get to the choose course screen and I can't get past it. Hugely disappointing as I loved this game as a kid. Did anyone else have this issue?
  • JoeSki73 20/03/2020 14:31
    Max, make sure you copy/paste the golf.exe file from the .ZIP folder, not any other folder. I've just installed and it's running on Windows 10, but it only displays in a small box on my screen (does not fill the screen). If anyone has a fix for this, please share!
  • Max 07/03/2020 15:37
    I cannot get this to work on windows 10. I have followed Neddo's instructions, but when I start the 'golf.exe' it looks like it's about to start the game. Screen goes black. And it makes a sound twice as if it's about to start the startup intro, but then fails and crashes. Any ideas or help would be much appreciated.
  • Matt 07/03/2020 02:07
    Anybody know how to change the resolution? Absolutely loving being able to play this game again, my original CD wasn't able to install it anymore so I am glad I found it here. Neddo had the fix that worked for me, you are the best!
  • Field of Corn 02/02/2020 00:51
    Neddo, I've been trying to get this to work on Windows 10 for YEARS. YOU THE MAN!!
  • JH 02/09/2019 23:40
    Hey Gamers!
    Having trouble in step one of the process of getting this to work on Windows 10. When I go to open the .zip folder, the error message "Unexpected end of archive" appears. I can repair the .zip with WinRAR, but after doing so and extracting the sim golf folder, there is no golf.exe or the NoCD Crack golf.exe. Has anyone else run into this issue?
  • Keir Anderson 15/07/2019 21:57
    Thanks Neddo. This 100 works for Windows 10
  • greff 11/06/2019 08:35
    how do you change the change compatibility options for the new golf.ex?
  • Neddo 22/03/2019 16:26
    Thanks to all the advice above, here's how I got it working:
    1. download sim_golf.zip above
    2. extract files
    3. extract SIMGOLF.102.ENG.MYTH.NOCD
    4. copy golf.exe from that zip into the main 'Sid Meier's SimGolf' folder, overwriting the original golf.exe
    5. change compatibility options for the new golf.exe to Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and tick 'Run this program as administrator'
    6. open 'setup.bat'
    7. open 'golf.exe'
    All seems okay except two issues: the game crashes when quitting, and I get briefly stuck at a low resolution. I also want to run it in windowed mode as it is stretched on a widescreen monitor, but can't get it to work. Anyone who has achieved that, please shout.
  • trevor 23/02/2019 03:01
    i love this game! loved playing it as a kid, and love playing now! I saw a youtuber named KILLROB play, and it brought back memories. so here I am! thanks for this everyone!
  • Roadie 22/02/2019 15:51
    Thanks, Aaron(and everyone else). The game works after the NOCD patch (included in download) was unzipped to the correct folder and the sound works after unzipping the sounds from the "unpack" file.
  • Johnny L 22/02/2019 08:52
    You may need to enable compatibility settings for this game to work properly on Windows 10. Go to the installation directory, and click "golf.exe", then left click and click properties, under properties go to the compatibility tab and select Windows XP.
  • Aaron Gorton 15/02/2019 20:07
  • ABCGS 30/12/2018 13:39
    I missed this game so much that I was searching for this game for 2 or more years.Last time it worked,didn't know it will work this time.
  • Art 01/01/2018 02:41
    First, GREAT game. I played this when it first came out for literally 100s of hours. I missed it so much I sought it out and am thrilled to find it. For those having problems, try running the game out of Windows "Troubleshoot compatibility" mode. Tell the computer it used to run on Windows 7 and Windows will use those settings. I have zero problem running it on Windows 10 through Windows 7 compatibility.
  • Luc T. 09/11/2017 21:01
    This game is amazing and should be played by those who loves to control every aspect of a game. Unfortunately you can't play this gem on Windows 10 because EA thinks it's not worthy of uploading to Origin or even making a simple patch for this game. It's amazing to me that they will do this for a game like this but who cares, battlefront 2 is coming out so they give a rats ass.
  • Gary Golf 29/07/2017 22:29
    This game is one that needs a reboot for Windows 7/8.1/10 and beyond! This is a classic game that can be addicting and provides hours of endless fun. The only way it would be better is if the patches (V1.01 thru V1.03) were readily available and the game didn't crash after trying to start a 500K tournament.
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